Macro Photography workshops from Wild Photographer

Hairy-legged Horsefly (Hybomitra bimaculata) by Nick Baker

Fantastic Beasties and How to Photograph them

Join Nick Baker, one of the UK’s leading insect and beetle experts (and former Springwatch presenter), for an in-depth workshop blending the art of macro photography with a passion for the natural world. Alongside Nick Wilcox-Brown, you’ll explore the world of macro lenses, focus stacking, focus bracketing, and advanced post-production techniques in Lightroom, Photoshop, and Helicon.

This workshop is ideal for both beginners and those with some experience in macro photography, particularly those interested in capturing insects and fungi. We’ll dive into essential topics like understanding your subjects, mastering macro photography techniques, and leveraging the full potential of your camera and editing software.

Designed for photographers and naturalists alike, this workshop will enhance your ability to capture stunning close-up images and deepen your connection to the tiny wonders of nature.

Ridged Violet Ground Beetle (Carabus problematicus)

Ridged Violet Ground Beetle (Carabus problematicus)
taken with OM-Systems OM-1 MkII and 60mm macro by Nick Baker

This is the first workshop of its kind; plans are afoot to offer more specialist macro workshops going forward, potentially with other special guests. If that interests you, please contact us or sign up for our newsletters.


Field Grasshopper Chorthippus Brunneus, Focus-stacked with OM-1 camera and m-zuiko 65mm F2.8 lens

Costs and Dates

Macro and Bug Training Weekend with Nick Baker and Nick Wilcox-Brown

11-14th April 2025 £749. Full board at the 4 star Grant Arms hotel in Grantown-on-Spey. All meals included. Minimum 6 people.

For specific tuition on OM-1 or other Olympus OM-D cameras visit the OM System Training Page

Please call with any questions. We are very friendly, helpful (see feedback) and there is no commitment 😊

Give us a call: +44(0)1761 856070

Most of our training is on demand for individuals or small groups.

Contact us to discuss your needs via Messenger, WhatsApp or via the Contact form.



Training days run from 9am - 5pm each day, but may be extended if the light is good. We generally get an evening meal or a drink and chat together. Everything is informal and relaxed.

We always provide tea / coffee / water and light snacks (chocolate!) during the day and usually get lunch at a cafe or tea room.

Orange-tip Butterfly

9mm Mycena vulgaris focus stacked hand-held with with OM-Systerms OM-1 and 60mm lens

What you need to bring

You will need:

  • Camera + spare batteries and your lenses. A macro lens will be useful. Please ask if you have questions, we are very friendly!

  • Mac / PC laptop or tablet for Lightroom or preferred processing software

  • Chargers for camera and computer

  • Waterproofs and outdoor clothing (sun hat 😊 ?)

  • kneeling mat or small tarp to lie on

  • Sturdy shoes

Included in the Macro photography training

  • all guiding throughout (rail / airport pickup / drop-off may be possible).

  • macro photography and focus stacking

  • detailed help / setup / training with the camera and settings as required during the day

  • introduction to / advanced post-production on Lightroom / Photoshop from one of Adobe UK's trainers (optional).

  • takeaway help guide with key information for your camera


Our Macro training is suitable for photographers who are experienced or beginners, there is something for everyone. Please ask if in doubt.

False Chaterelle mushrooms

In Autumn we can include macro photography and focus stacking of fungus in our workshops. Mushrooms like these False Chanterelles make excellent subjects and beautiful pictures.

Our Wild Photography Workshops and Holidays

Wildlife in Scotland
1 to 1 Photography Workshops
Diver Workshop
Bears and Raptors in Autumn
OM SYSTEM training
Lightroom training
Birds of North East Spain
East African Wildlife

Available Dates and Places on our bird and wildlife photography holidays

Scotland Birds, Wildlife & Scenery. Mountain Hare special 3rd-7th January 2025 . Fully Booked

Finland Raptors in Snow Feb 26-4th March 2025. 2 Places left

Spain Birds of Plains and Mountains May 12-17th 2025. Places available.

Diver Workshop Divers (Loons) in the Arctic Summer August 5-8th 2025. Places available

Scotland Birds, Wildlife & Scenery. Mountain Hare special August 18th-22nd 2025 . Places available

Finland Autumn Bears and Eagles Sep 19-25th 2025. Places available.

Uganda African Birds and Wildlife Nov 2025. Places remaining

All our day training and bespoke camera / post-production workshops are available as normal.

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All content & Design © 1993-2024 Nick Wilcox-Brown. No use without written licence. All rights reserved.

All testimonials and feedback are unedited. Original documents / emails can be provided on request


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